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    REady to stop hating your body?

    group coaching

    We’re constantly told to “love our bodies” – but what if you just can’t? What if, in fact, you can’t even stand to look in the mirror?

    Good news – body love isn’t necessary to have a great life. Body neutrality, on the other hand, can still feel miles away when you don’t know the steps to get you there.

    But improving body image doesn't happen on its own in a world that is hostile towards body diversity and especially fat bodies. 

    In this Body Image Intensive, I will guide you through all my best tools to help you learn to tolerate where you are with your body and move towards more neutrality so you can spend your time and energy on living the life you want.

    Body image intensive:
    From hate to tolerate

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      if any of these apply to you, then this group can help.

      ⚡ You're at a place of dislike or disgust for your body

      ⚡ You've been working at body neutrality for a while and still need support

      ⚡ You're wondering if body acceptance is at all possible for you

      ⚡ Your thoughts about your body are preventing you from doing activities you love

      ⚡ You feel a lot of shame about how your body has changed.

      Who is this group for?

      ⚡Six (6) LIVE group coaching sessions weekly with a fat dietitian (me) facilitating. I've been where you've been. 

      ⚡Groups are small, intimate and highly interactive with real humans who struggle with their bodies -- just like you do. No pre-recorded material to get the coaching you need!

      ⚡In-session visualizations and journaling activities we do as a group and on-the-spot coaching to help you dig deep into your beliefs about your body.

      ⚡Simple-to-follow, clear actions to take through the week to help move you toward tolerating your body.

      ⚡A group chat to connect with the other members.

      ⚡No pressure to love your body. This is all about working toward neutrality with your body so it doesn't get in the way of living the life you want to live.

      Program features

      because you don't have to love how your body looks to live a good life in it!

      but that's something we can do.

      What's happening when you look at your body and feel hate, shame or disgust is that the negative feelings and thoughts feel overwhelming and, well, intolerable.

      Learning to tolerate those negative thoughts are the first step in moving towards body neutrality. The truth is, you tolerate all sort of unpleasant things in your day without even realizing it. This is something you probably already know how to do.

      Yeah, it doesn't sound as sexy as "body love" but it's way more necessary.

      Body Love and Body Acceptance have long been staple phrases of the anti-diet, body positivity movement.

      But the truth is, if you're at a place of hate, dislike, or disgust, then reaching those ideals are the equivalent of jumping the Grand Canyon. 

      OK, glenys...why tolerate and not just Love?

      meet your coach

      I’m Glenys Oyston, a registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor and body image coach, and I’ve coached hundreds of people with body hate to a place of peace and tolerance with their bodies.

      Now I’m bringing the tools I use in my 1:1 coaching (and that I've used, myself) to this group setting to help you challenge your beliefs about your body and start to make friends with it. You deserve to have peace in your body! 

      book a free
      discovery call

      It's easy to get started


      "I can honestly say that I have achieved a peace with my body I never thought attainable. I go to sleep at night feeling satisfied instead of sick from overeating because I’m anticipating new diet restrictions the following morning. I don’t record time in terms of expected weight loss, and I don’t worry that I’ll fail and dread yet another social event because I haven’t reached my goal weight. Now I focus on the idea that my body is the least interesting thing about me. I invest in this. Because of the work I’ve done with Glenys, I have the tools to live this."


      "I went from obsessing over food constantly and perpetual restrict-and-binge cycles, to regularly eating foods that I like in a way that doesn’t dominate my life. I was afraid that without 'rules' all I would ever eat was macaroni and cheese and Oreos and never touch a vegetable again. It turns out that once I started practicing intuitive eating and ditching any restrictions whatsoever, I actually crave vegetables pretty regularly (who knew?!)… And I am just SO MUCH HAPPIER now."


      "I just wanted to thank you for your work with me. You legit changed my life in so many wonderful ways I didn’t think were possible. No more binge eating; rocking bikinis; no more guilt and anxiety around food; practicing acceptance as I ease back into fitness; on and on. Mostly I feel a sense of peace and empowerment that is carrying over into so many areas of my life."


      “I think Glenys’ job description should be 'Dietitian/Sherlock Holmes!' She’s very talented in investigating and solving some mysteries in our complex and often perplexing relationships with food and body. What a confused relationship I had with food. Glenys helped me shed light on the grey, confusing, unseen blockages and issues. I feel so much more clarity and peace…and the bonus was the warmth, solar energy, and humor which helped me feel completely safe to share and dare to approach dark topics. I think the biggest thing I take away from our work together is the peace and the trust that it will be okay.”


      “What I was going to eat consumed my thoughts the first half of my workday, every day. I had tons of competing food rules in my head from years of diets, periods of extreme restriction, and negative body image. Glenys helped me get back to feeding myself regularly and without anxiety. I can actually feel my body’s cues now and make food decisions without doing mental math about how it will impact my body size. I’m able to go about my day without falling into a shame spiral about how I look. Glenys helped me clear away some huge obstacles so that I feel ready to pursue other goals, both personally and professionally. If you are struggling with food or body image, working with Glenys can help you make space in your life for things that are actually important to you. You’re investing in a lot more than ‘just’ food and body issues. She is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and easy to connect with.”


      “I wanted to thank you for all you have done to help me in this journey. I was just contemplating weighing myself and thought, ‘It doesn’t matter what I weigh. If you want to worry, worry about how you feel.’ It feels good to be getting stronger. You are so special and I appreciate you!”


      “Before working with Glenys, I didn’t understand the difference between a snack and a meal or recognize my hunger cues as a result of years of bouncing on and off diets and restricting my intake. With endless compassion, Glenys helped me understand what my body needed and that it’s okay to eat, that my body and mind are happy and function well when I’m feeding them foods I enjoy regularly. As I tried the tools Glenys and I discussed during our sessions, I started feeling better. When my old food norms came up, Glenys asked great questions to get to the root and help me find a new way that works for me. I love it. Invest the time and money in yourself and work with Glenys – you’re worth it!”

      what Clients are saying