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That NY Post Intuitive Eating Article

  1. Amy says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Glenys for this rebuttal of that awful, rude, snide piece from whatever his name was (Mr Nutrition Certification from the School of Nowhere). I am only recently started on my intuitive eating journey, and I am reading everything I can get my hands on! I am a dietitian who has been out of practice for a few years and I am making my way back to private practice, and hoping to integrate IE and HAES into my consultations. It’s attitudes, and misleading information like this NY Post article that make people afraid to step off the diet train and seek a more intuitive relationship with eating and their body. Thank you for being one of the voices of reason in the nutrition/dietetics crowd. Also, love your podcast too!

    • GlenysO says:

      Thanks Amy, so glad you like it! And so happy to hear of another dietitian doing intuitive eating! The more of us the better!

  2. tams730 says:

    STANDING OVATION!!!! i am new to your blog and I love it!!! The world needs more voices like yours.
    Please keep on blogging!

  3. Sarah says:

    His analogy to retirement savings is inaccurate as well:

    “I’m sure the intuitive desire is there to blow all your money on Italian luxury items and Michelin-starred restaurants. Caviar and Dom Perignon for breakfast to go with those free-range, organic-grass-fed $15 eggs, but unless you are a relative of the Trump family, this is probably not going to make its way into your reality.

    You most likely have money for your 401(k) automatically deducted, presumably other types of investment accounts, health insurance, emergency savings. In these instances, you are restricting your spending to accomplish a financial goal.”

    This is a terrible analogy! I suspect most people don’t have the desire to blow all of their money and aren’t actually “restricting” themselves by saving. Your comments are all spot-on. He has completely missed the point.

    By the way, did you listen to This American Life this week?

    • GlenysO says:

      Yes, I totally agree with that and wanted to comment but this post was already getting so long. My intuition with my money is actually to take care of myself now and in the future – therefore saving it has always been enjoyable for me. Blowing it all on things I don’t need or frankly even want that much would make me feel miserably anxious – the opposite of self-care. So he’s missing the point completely – intuitive eating is about self-care more than anything else, just as managing one’s money is.

      I didn’t see listen to This American Life this week – what was it about?

  4. Sabrina says:

    This guy’s article was unbelievably stupid. He never addressed the story about the former South Beach nutritionist (whatever that is) who embraced intuitive eating and found that when she gave herself permission to eat formerly “off limits” foods, she found she actually didn’t want them all that much. That story highlights all of the reasons that intuitive eating does work to prevent the bingeing that typically happens with food restriction, but he never discussed any of that. Instead, he launched into a non sequitur about “self discipline” that had nothing to do with the first half of his article. Not only is this article wrong-headed, it’s also bad writing.

    I really appreciate your blog! I’m so glad to be finding more blogs about body and size acceptance, and about rational approaches to food. As a mom, I’ve been a fan of Ellyn Satter’s approach for years. But as much as I am firmly committed to ensuring that my own three daughters develop healthy relationships with food and keep their eating intuition intact, it is all too easy for my own eating and body image to be assaulted by our disordered culture. When I find that happening, I come back here and to other blogs like yours to bring me back to center. Thanks for all you do!

    • GlenysO says:

      I agree Sabrina – he was all over the place. “Here’s a person whom this has really worked for…and let me tell you why this sucks.” At least get someone who hated IE to make your case for you! LOL. He’s just peddling more of the old beauty-ideal oppression. Nothing new.

      I’m so glad you find this blog helpful! So glad you are raising your daughters to have healthy relationships to food!

  5. Ashley Smith says:

    As usual, a great article!! Thanks for being so real with us. I absolutely love it!

  6. Laura says:

    Intuitive Eating was recommended to me by two trusted friends, and I’ve been delaying jumping on the bandwagon. I read Brandon’s post and began to question it again. This post renewed my faith, and I feel ready to take the plunge. Because what’s crazy is that the person you describe and the person for intuitive eating…is me. This world is so flawed, and I want to open up my life to freedom from food.

    • GlenysO says:

      I’m glad I could help clear things up! So many people want to turn IE into something about weight loss, and it absolutely is not about that. I was so mad about that article and so were many other HAES practitioners. It’s totally about freedom from food and ability to care for oneself without abusing or withholding food. Reading the Intuitive Eating book is a great place to start (just make sure to get the latest edition). Best of luck!

  7. I’ve struggled with eating disorders for years and learning how to intuitively eat has played a huge role in my recovery. I had heard about this NY post and was very disappointed. Thank you for standing up for what’s right in a world that so often mocks others. Maybe intuitive eating isn’t for everyone, but it’s certainly helped me make major changes in my life.

    • GlenysO says:

      Thank you and yes, his article totally ignores the eating disorders that diet culture props up, and how IE plays a role in recovery. Thanks for commenting!

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