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Like Stealing Candy from Babies

  1. great advice! And I’m with you: that switch witch is scary!!!

  2. jodietitian says:

    Reblogged this on Joanne Arena MS, RD and commented:
    Perfect timing! Some sound advice for parents who are not sure about what to do with all that Halloween candy…….

  3. jodietitian says:

    Great advice! and so true! Kids end up sneaking it, binge eating it, and then feeling as if they did something wrong (guilt). There definitely is a better way!

  4. Annette Walker says:

    As a self-professed “mean mom” (oldest kids were trained to read labels at an early age. If the first 2 ingredients are sugar, corn syrup, etc. don’t even ask her to buy it!) I have always let me kids eat some of their Halloween candy. After a few days the novelty wears off and what’s left in their bowl can gradually disappear two or three pieces at a time. They’re happy because they ate candy, I’m happy because they didn’t eat it all. Where’s the fun in trick or treat if a witch is going to come take your candy? Santa’s visit isn’t far off. This is just weird!

  5. […] Like Stealing Candy from Babies – Dare To Not Diet […]

  6. wow that is a terrible concept! seems like this is so not about the kids, but about the parents’ food hangups. parents need to ask themselves: “why am I so terrified that my child wont be able to just eat, what am I afraid of and why?” but i do disagree about the jimmy kimmel gag, i think it’s hilarious

    • GlenysO says:

      Don’t get me wrong. I howled with laughter at the Kimmel bit, watched it three times and made my co-workers watch it too. But it’s still meeeeean! LOL

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