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The ABCs of Weight Loss

  1. Heather says:

    “A fucked up way to live” I knew it! I spent sooooo many years only being able to journal for a few weeks at a time, before I would either say “fuck this”or start lying to my journal. Then immediately start hating myself all over again for not being able to do it. Only to start over again!

  2. jodietitian says:

    I had to laugh while reading this as I am home sick today (first sick day in years) and for some reason this morning all I wanted was leftover cheesy scalloped potatoes…..I totally believe our bodies are smarter than we are regarding what we need to eat at certain times. It is sad the energy people waste thinking so much about it. Life takes enough energy!

    • GlenysO says:

      I hope you feel better soon! Mine was 4 days of intense sickness followed by very immediate recovery – very unusual for me – I usually get a cough that lasts months!

  3. smilingmien says:

    Lol. Nice post. Ok, I like this part, “One cannot have a satisfied appetite and lose weight, we all knew that.” Bt I wish it wasn’t so. Hehe!

  4. tasharama says:

    What a brilliant post!

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