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The Diet Legacy: Three Generations of Going Hungry

  1. Erin L. says:

    such a great reflection. thank you for sharing. and what a blonde kid you were! holy smokes!

  2. Jennifer H. says:

    I come from a very similar background. My grandmother was president of her diet club and my mom to this day is restricting and exercising 45 minutes a day to stay at her weight. Today she told me that she was soooo proud of my sister because she had lost 30 pounds after bariatric surgery and eating no carbs to boot. I’ve struggled with my weight all my life. I have recently given up dieting and it is very hard to listen to her diet mentality. In her mind, you are only worthy if you are trying to lose weight. No one has ever been successful for too long in our family, so at least if you are trying you are praiseworthy. Our conversation today made me want to crawl into a cave. BUT, I will not let this discourage me. It is just harder when there is little support for former dieters.

    • GlenysO says:

      I’m so sorry for your family frustrations – that is really tough. I am just reading Virgie Tovar’s Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love & Fashion and one of the writers (it’s a complication of essays) talked about ways she tried to counter diet talk, and one of them was to say “I’m not trying to lose weight at all!” I am thinking of using something like this when I run into diet talk. I wonder if hearing a radical “I love my body” message might give them pause and introduce a new way of thinking? At the very least, we defend our bodies against diet tyranny. Best of luck!

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