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What HAES® is Not

  1. jodietitian says:

    Reblogged this on Joanne Arena MS, RD and commented:
    I loved this post and had to share it….

  2. Melitta says:

    This is excellent! One thing I think we can do for girls is to encourage them to NEVER DIET. So if they don’t get on the diet train, they have better long-term health. I did try to diet once (pressure in college for a brief time), but thankfully most of my life I didn’t. I have always been very athletic, and today I weigh 5 pounds more than I did in high school (and I am 5’9″ tall). We can get off the diet train, as HAES encourages, or we can never even get on, which is even better.

    • GlenysO says:

      I 100% agree! I wish girls (and now even boys) never felt compelled to diet. I never dieted in school (thankfully), and I think if I did the damage to my metabolsim would have been so much worse. Thanks for your comment!

  3. […] What HAES® is Not. […]

  4. Thomas says:

    I’m doing a lecture at Stanford in October (to student athletes) and I’m going to use and reference this. Cool? cool. 🙂

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