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Becoming My Own Beloved

  1. Monica says:

    Good read!

  2. LG says:

    “But I am still my harshest critic. I hide a lot in photos for fear of what my own personal inner critic will say.”

    I don’t have body image issues at all, I have a great figure (I am 43, but look 43, and I love it), and a healthy body. Yet, I have the exact same feelings that you described. My inner critic is, pardon the French, a bitch.

  3. That you for sharing. Lately, I’ve been watching Grace and Frankie on Netflix, and I noticed how food obsessed Grace is. She’s so tiny, and she eats almost nothing for fear of getting fat. Frankie eats all the time, especially emotionally, but she is no fatter than Grace. I realized that while I love this show, even 70-year-old old ladies can make me feel ashamed of my body. It’s nice to hear a dose of reality every so often. Thank you! Also, I got a subscription to the new magazine for whom you’re writing.

    • GlenysO says:

      Yes, it’s such a shame that TV and movies insist on shoving this BS down our throats. Imagine a TV show where the female characters don’t once comment on either fear of food or fat?? Hope you enjoy the magazine! Be sure to give feedback on their FB page – I think they will appreciate that from readers.

  4. […] also really enjoyed this podcast featuring two fellow health at every size RDs Glenys O and Aaron Flores (their sites here and here) […]

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