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Eating and Exercising for your Future Health Sucks

  1. jodietitian says:

    I just love this and I can relate! I feel the same way, especially about eating (too much does not feel good at all, and not eating enough does not feel good either!). Seems so simple, doesn’t it? Same with exercise, people seem so wrapped up in doing a certain amount of whatever, and I am with you! Today it probably will be gardening and a fun walk with a neighbor, this weekend it was dancing on our friends boat! I may have to share this post!! so good : )

    • GlenysO says:

      Right!? Whatever happened to people just living life and having fun? Is that a thing of the past? Let’s bring it back!

      Thanks as always for sharing!!

  2. jodietitian says:

    Reblogged this on Joanne Arena MS, RD and commented:
    Another great post from a fellow dietitian who promotes a non-diet approach. Glenys O describes a different way of looking at diet and exercise that I hope will make you think….enjoy!

  3. Erica says:

    Great post! As dietitians we can sometimes focus too much on the future repercussions of food (hello, heart disease) when in reality, people eat for pleasure NOW. It makes sense to use a similar motivation to eat healthier.

  4. Nicole Geurin, MPH, RD says:

    Glenys – I totally agree and there is scientific research to back this up! Check out the book No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness by Michelle Segar, PhD. She essentially comes to the same conclusion, and shares research to support the theory.

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