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Just Eat the Damn Cake

  1. I absolutely LOVE this post!!!! We are huge believers in enjoying our lives through food! That doesn’t always mean eating cake, but that does mean if there is something sweet or high in calories that we really want, we go for it! Great post!

    • GlenysO says:

      Thanks! Yes, cake isn’t to everyone’s taste. I see it more as a symbol of food restriction in general. If you want something that bad, you should probably just eat it.

  2. I hate ED! says:

    Excellent article! You’re totally right! I try to live by the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy and 20% foods that I crave. Mind you I don’t calculate at all lol! I think moderation and variety are key. I religiously stay away from highly processed foods though and try to eat lots of veggies. But once in a while, I want that bowl of Ms Vickies chips or that piece of cake. I exercise every other day because I love it and love how it makes me fell afterwards. But if I miss a day, I don’t go crazy over it. I agree with you about the body finding its optimal weight. If you’re mostly eating right and moving, it will happen. There’s just too much hype in the media about weight, diet and exercising that it’s creating unnecessary worry, anxiety and yoyoing which is ultimately creating more weight and health problems than anything else! I love reading your articles! Keep’em coming! Hugs, J

    • GlenysO says:

      So glad this resonated! I think people think that if they have one piece of the forbidden food, then they will go off the rails. But that really only happens when someone has been really restricting for a long time. Most people there *is* such a thing of too much of a good thing. Knowing all foods are available to me makes me really relaxed around treats, and it’s no big deal to turn down a donut if I really just don’t feel like it.

      Thanks for reading!

    • GlenysO says:

      I read that blog post too. Great explanation of how diets really “work.” Also – “big expert diet salad” made me laugh out loud!!

      • mywordnz says:

        That’s my other blog for non serious stuff. I thought I better separate my rants into fun stuff and political stuff with two blogs. So…I am also Plum Lovely…ta da!

    • GlenysO says:

      Oh, that’s fantastic that you are also Plum Lovely! Plum, like the main character in Dietland! Is that a coincidence?

      • mywordnz says:

        What?! I’ve never heard of Dietland?! What is it?

      • GlenysO says:

        It’s a GREAT new novel by Sarai Walker. A “Fight Club” for women of sorts. The main character is a fat woman who *doesn’t* lose weight – it’s super body positive and feminist. And then you can start using #JenniferLives on twitter for any acts of civil disobedience. LOL

  3. Thomas says:

    I love this…piece! See what I did there 😉

  4. Annette says:

    How sad your coworker would not let himself enjoy a homemade dessert. Especially one that tasted as good as, or better than, it looked. Man can not live on celery alone!

  5. Ahhh I just love this!! Food is meant to be enjoyed, not scrutinized and having to run on a treadmill to make up for it! You portrayed how I feel perfectly, being healthy to me means you get to enjoy that piece of cake without any regrets.

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