I’ll admit I’m a little behind on new diet fads. I just heard about a “new” one which has been around for about a year now. The book I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson (no link here due to selling of weight loss) debuted last year but appears to be finally gaining some real momentum […]
In the years before I learned about intuitive eating, I exercised at a gym two to three times a week, cardio and weights. I mostly dreaded it and it wasn’t at all fun, but it was something felt I had to do to keep my weight down. Living in San Francisco with no car, I […]
I want to tell you my diet story to give you some context for why I am such a supporter of Health at Every Size®. I’ve met enough people now to know that my story, while not completely typical, is also not that unique among people who have lost or attempted to lose weight. I […]
I sometimes reflect on the path that led me to dieting. I had been a chubby child and a pudgy teen and then finally a somewhat fat young adult. I started my first official diet at age 22. That’s the beginning and end of the story. Except, really, it isn’t. Lingering a bit longer on […]
Hold on to your hats, folks! I’m about to say some pretty wild stuff (at least for a dietitian): I don’t think what we eat is all that important. This is not what I thought for a long time. I once thought food was the most important aspect of our health. I thought if I […]
It’s not a diet Maybe you’re a dieter who wants to give up restrictive eating because you just…can’t…do it…anymore. Or maybe you’re someone who has struggled with overeating for some time. Either way, you’re wondering how you can eat healthier while still feeling relaxed around food. The answer: Intuitive Eating! Intuitive Eating is a book […]
So far I’ve talked about not dieting. You might be thinking, well, if diets don’t work, what should I do to be healthy? While there are many factors that affect health, many of them not entirely within our control, I like to focus on the factors we can influence, namely eating and exercise. The Health […]
I was at the movies just before Christmas, getting ready to watch the previews. I love previews! Now that they show commercials at the movies, I have to sit through those first. A familiar song started to play, “If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands,” a childhood oldie-but-goodie. Except in this version […]
Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.
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