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These dietitians know dieting and weight loss don’t work, and what to do instead.

13 Dietitians on Why They Don’t Promote Weight Loss


Have you been struggling to get to the weight you think you should be?

The Weight You’re Supposed to Be


In this episode of the Dietitians Unplugged podcast, we get Hilary Kinavey of Be Nourished to help us answer readers’ questions about including loved ones on our HAES® journey – even when they don’t get it.

Dietitians Unplugged Ep 20: Help! My Partner Doesn’t Get HAES!


Sometimes we use our bodies as a proxy for what’s really wrong. But our bodies aren’t the problem, and we’re not fixing anything with dieting…

Dieting as a Distraction


Do you feel like you’re a food addict? Do you spend all your time avoiding foods you feel crazy around? Maybe it’s not the food after all…

Is Food Addiction a Real Thing?


Diets do work! Until they don’t. Which is most of the time.

Diets Make You Lose Weight. And then…


Wondering where the “health” in Health at Every Size® comes in? Non-diet nutrition is a great place to start.

What Non-Diet Nutrition Might Look Like


I’m committed to a non-diet life, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have bad body days that turn into bad body weeks. I’d been enjoying my time in Vivienne McMaster’s Be Your Own Beloved class. I was enjoying the challenge of taking a lot of selfies, even if they weren’t what I would have considered […]

Anatomy of a Bad Body Week

Body Image

Do men get eating disorders too? Long regarded as a disease of girls and women, people sometimes don’t realize that men can also be affected by eating disorders. Aaron and I talked to Andrew Whalen of The Body Image Therapy Center, a treatment center for those with eating disorders, substance abuse issues and self-harm disorders. They […]

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast: Men and Eating Disorders


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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The Dietitians unplugged Podcast

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