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To Eat Meat or to Not Eat Meat: You Still Die Anyway

  1. jodietitian says:

    I just love the way you help everyone with a “reality check”! Getting all those facts is very helpful and hopefully helps everyone to move on!

  2. Nicole Geurin, RD says:

    Great article, as always!

    One correction: 50 g = approx. 2 oz (not 7.5)

    • GlenysO says:

      Oops, yes! I was using the conversion for protein by accident, as in 7 g protein in 1 oz of meat. Meant to use mass! Fixed, thank you!

  3. My sisters and I are vegetarians but I try reeeally hard to be clear that I don’t believe that way of eating is ‘better.’ It’s just something I started 20 years ago and now its habit. Recently my sis shared this article on facebook and tagged me and said something like “Well good to know we’re doing something right all these years!” I cringed, because it just felt so self righteous (and she is usually so NOT that way.) Ironically, actually, we have been veg for many years but have both suffered from many many health issues. Anyway, yeah, we’re all gonna die, most likely not because of hot dogs.

    I never eat hot dogs and I am 100% certain that I will die, which clearly refutes the WHO analysis.

    • GlenysO says:

      I was pescetarian for a few years and I’m sad to say that occasionally I felt a little secretly superior at times. I realize now that choice of diet had very little to do with how I wanted to eat and more about trying to fix problems that were harder to fix than diet…and feeling smug about it was part of it for me. So it’s great that you just *like* eating that way! And I do love vegetarian meals quite a bit still today.

      Yes, 100% of people will die eventually!

  4. […] And for some snark on the topic, I couldn’t go past one of my fave dietitian bloggers Glenys from Dare To Not Diet and her post , “To Eat Meat or to Not Eat Meat: You Still Die Anyway” […]

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