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Diets Diets Everywhere

  1. stephieann8 says:

    Uuuuughhhhh that Oprah thing has me reeling so much! My mom is on weight watchers so I been debating with her over the terrible message she is sending to it’s members. Me I’m done with diet culture.

  2. I killed my gym membership yesterday, because the extreme chatter ramped up so much starting on Jan 1 (beginning with this particular gym chain’s “2016 CHALLENGE”). I just dont even want to be around it.

    • GlenysO says:

      I tend to avoid the gym at this time of year, mostly because it’s so crowded. I find people are less diet-chat prone at my YMCA, thankfully.

  3. saine13 says:

    So much truth in your article. Also, doctors used to give out diet sheets for only 800 calories a day… not much healthy about that.

    • GlenysO says:

      Very scary! Actually, some still do, and call them very low calorie diets ( VLCD). And they receive virtually no nutrition training in school.

      • saine13 says:

        Some doctors are also too willing to hand out products like Orlistat, a product supposedly to help lose fat fast. Often accompanied by a low fat diet sheet and advice to cut out fatty foods… as even a small amount of fat could have you hoping you make it to the loo in time. Orlistat could also cause digestive problems.

  4. ginasjoys says:

    Reblogged this on Gina's Joys and commented:
    Dare to not Diet?! What great advice, from a registered dietician. I hereby declare, I dare!

  5. Excellent article! As a fellow nutritionist and health professional, I salute you for your sensible post. Keep up the good work! If only more would follow accurate physiological advice instead of chasing false guru’s fad diets. Well done,

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