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Are you struggling with learning how to eat “normally?” Need some options? Read on.

Becoming a Competent Eater


“I’m so hungry…there must me something wrong with me.” “I’m so hungry…it makes me want things I shouldn’t eat.” “I’m so hungry…it’s really sabotaging my weight loss.” I have heard all of these statements, and variations of them, A LOT. The only one I rarely hear among the general population these days is, “I’m so […]

I’m Hungry…So My Body Must Be Broken


Can I tell you about the time I went to Italy and it was the beginning of the end of my terrible diet? About a year after I had vowed to get my “best” body ever, I was ready to take a three week vacation to Italy. I had dreamed of going to Italy ever […]

The Italy Diet: Just Don’t


I finally got around to reading my July/August copy of Food & Nutrition Magazine, the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics publication that I enjoy immensely for the bite-sized tidbits of information (more corny dietitian humor. Corny! Ha!). When you’re a dietitian, everyone wants to tell you their theories on what they think is the best […]

When They Tell You When to Eat


I hear it, or some version of it, at least once a week: “Oooh, if I have this [insert delicious or even just plain regular food here] I’ll have to do at least an extra half hour on the hamster wheel tonight.” To which I usually cringe, roll my eyes, eat the thing in question, […]

Just Eat the Damn Cake


I have been reading Fiona Willer’s excellent book, The Non-Diet Approach Guidebook for Dietitians, which provides a structured approach for dietitians teaching normalized eating (aka attuned eating aka intuitive eating aka mindful eating). I can’t recommend it enough for dietitians. I’m really enjoying the material and it made me think about how I teach this […]

Diving Deep Into Intuitive Eating


It’s not a diet Maybe you’re a dieter who wants to give up restrictive eating because you just…can’t…do it…anymore. Or maybe you’re someone who has struggled with overeating for some time. Either way, you’re wondering how you can eat healthier while still feeling relaxed around food. The answer: Intuitive Eating! Intuitive Eating is a book […]

What is Intuitive Eating?


So far I’ve talked about not dieting. You might be thinking, well, if diets don’t work, what should I do to be healthy? While there are many factors that affect health, many of them not entirely within our control, I like to focus on the factors we can influence, namely eating and exercise. The Health […]

If Not Dieting…Then What? A HAES Primer


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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