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Another celebrity going on a diet and losing weight is not really news. But when he proposes to write a book about it as though it’s the cure to obesity, it’s time to call BS.

Dear Penn Jillette: Your Diet is BS


Wondering where the “health” in Health at Every Size® comes in? Non-diet nutrition is a great place to start.

What Non-Diet Nutrition Might Look Like


The 2016 Dietary Guidelines for Americans came out earlier this year and Aaron and I let you know what we think. Are they words to live by…or just another prescriptive diet? Do we even need the Guidelines?  What drives the rational for how Guidelines are formed? Listen to us discuss these questions and more from a Health […]

Dietitians Unplugged Episode 5 -Weighing in on the Dietary Guidelines


December can be a hard time for people. There’s the stress of the holiday season. The cumulative exhaustion of the year weighing down on you. Retail fatigue getting everyone down. Personally, even while continuing to eat intuitively and getting some exercise, I find it hard to feel healthy during this time of year because this is […]

The Diet Begins Now


Just as I had been thinking this week about how I was going to write about what good nutrition is and isn’t, I stumbled across this (somewhat dubious) article about kale and how it is an accumulator of heavy metals which, if eaten in excess, could potentially cause harm (in theory). Does this mean you […]

Good Nutrition isn’t Rocket Science


Perhaps I am a naughty dietitian for saying so, but I think doing “healthy” stuff now to ward off vague future health threats is a terrible motivation for behavior change. There. I said it. So sue me. But first let me explain. I think we humans tend more toward hedonism than toward future thinking in […]

Eating and Exercising for your Future Health Sucks


Hold on to your hats, folks!  I’m about to say some pretty wild stuff (at least for a dietitian): I don’t think what we eat is all that important. This is not what I thought for a long time. I once thought food was the most important aspect of our health. I thought if I […]

Committing Nutrition Heresy: Why I Don’t Think What We Eat is All that Important


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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The Dietitians unplugged Podcast

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