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In one of the most colossal failures to interpret Intuitive Eating to the masses, Gretchen Reynolds reported in The New York Times magazine on this study which concluded that intuitive eating was not any better than calorie restriction for shedding pounds. Are you effing kidding me?! There really is nothing that will put me in a rage more […]

That Intuitive Eating Study


As a dietitian who believes in non-diet, non-weight focused nutrition, I often find myself explaining my position on intentional weight loss to casual acquaintances who always want to talk to me about weight loss. It usually starts out with someone else bringing up the topic after they have discovered I am a dietitian (there is […]

Congratulations, You Just Cured Obesity


So, I just found out from this blog that The Switch Witch is actually a thing. It’s a Halloween thing, and it’s kind of a horrible thing, but not in the fun Halloween way. What’s The Switch Witch? Apparently it’s the Halloween version of The Tooth Fairy, except in my opinion way weirder. After kids have […]

Like Stealing Candy from Babies


Nothing reminds me that we live within a dysfunctional food culture so much as a dinner with people from another country. My good friend from Iran, who is also a dietitian, invited us to a party at her apartment recently. Her brother (also from Iran) was there, as well as her husband and cousin who […]

Dinner in Tehran


As summer gives way to fall (well, not in LA, it is still blazing hot as I write this in the middle of October), I’m thinking back to my August staycation-vacation. One of the reasons I love staycationing in LA is that it’s got everything I love in a vacation: heat, beach and no need […]

Boogie Boards, Bicycles and Body Image


One of the great things about Twitter is that you can get into interesting debates with all sorts of people who don’t agree with you. I actually think that is totally fun! One of the conversations I found myself in recently was with someone who was adamant that everyone should give up sugar (the glucose-fructose […]

The True Food Believers


I finally got around to reading my July/August copy of Food & Nutrition Magazine, the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics publication that I enjoy immensely for the bite-sized tidbits of information (more corny dietitian humor. Corny! Ha!). When you’re a dietitian, everyone wants to tell you their theories on what they think is the best […]

When They Tell You When to Eat


Someone left a message on my Facebook page along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing because I deleted it toute suite) “This comment probably won’t be appreciated here [correct!] but this page seems like a big excuse for people to be overindulgent and lazy. You don’t have to do crazy fad diets or anything but […]

What’s Your Life’s Masterpiece?


The concept of bodies changing throughout a lifetime really does belong under the category of No Shit, Sherlock. We all understand this logically and intellectually, and most of us probably aren’t going around saying, “I’m going to have this fantastic 27 year old body for the rest of my life!” And yet, over the years […]

No Duh: Bodies Change


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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