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Have you gone to the doctor for something completely unrelated to weight and then been told to lose weight as a solution? That’s called bad medical care.

Fat at the Doctor: A Very Real Problem

Thinker, by August Rodin


Hey everyone! Just thought I’d share my geeky excitement – I got to be a guest on Julie Dillon’s fantastic Love, Food podcast! In this episode, a fat nutrition student writes a letter to food asking if she should go on a diet to better fit the mold of a dietetic student. Have a listen […]

I’m a Guest on the Love, Food Podcast!


I was talking to an acquaintance who doesn’t know what I do (this body acceptance stuff) for at least some of my time, which is why she said to me, “I’m looking for a 1500 calorie diet –  I saw pictures of myself at my nephew’s wedding and I didn’t like the way I looked. […]

The Fat Fear Factor


A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to a continuing education course (gotta get those CEUs!) called “The Science and Practice of Mindful Eating.” I was initially disappointed by the description that focused heavily on mindful eating as a treatment for obesity and stated, “Research shows that mindfulness practices can lead to […]

Mindful Eating Gone Horribly, Horribly Wrong


I was having a particularly bad day, the accumulation of a bunch of things starting to weigh on me, and a few fresh annoyances as well. I had just bought a very nice, expensive bed for the first time in my life – and hadn’t had a good sleep for three days…with at least 27 […]

I’ll Blame My Body

Body Image

Recently a new study was published on something most of us have known for quite some time: the BMI is not an accurate or reliable predictor of health. But here’s what the latest evidence reviewing the effectiveness of BMI in diagnosing ill health found: it grossly overestimates the number of “unhealthy” people whose BMIs are […]

The Verdict Is In: The BMI is a Poor Predictor of Health


“I’m so hungry…there must me something wrong with me.” “I’m so hungry…it makes me want things I shouldn’t eat.” “I’m so hungry…it’s really sabotaging my weight loss.” I have heard all of these statements, and variations of them, A LOT. The only one I rarely hear among the general population these days is, “I’m so […]

I’m Hungry…So My Body Must Be Broken


I spend a lot of time focusing on the 95% failure rate of dieting just so people can be aware of what they are getting themselves into when they decide they want to lose weight. And inevitably, every few months someone on Twitter will say, “Of course long term weight loss is possible. People do […]

Let’s Talk About the 5 Percent


I’m not the first (this was the first I saw and my inspiration for this post. And it’s awesome!), or anywhere near the last, person to be ticked off at Oprah Winfrey for her Weight Watchers ad in which she says, “Inside every overweight woman is a woman she knows she can be.” As though […]

Inside This Overweight Woman…


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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