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Does your relationship to movement need help?

Exercise Dependence and Avoidance


How can we make exercise more accessible to more people? We talk with Ragen Chastain on this very topic.

Exercise For Everyone with Ragen Chastain


Were you shocked by the latest research on The Biggest Loser participants? We weren’t, and here’s why.

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast – Episode 9: Why We Hate The Biggest Loser


Do you hate “exercise?” So do we! Sort of…Episode 7 is here, and in it, Aaron and I talk about how, after making peace with food, we’ve also made peace with our relationship to moving our bodies. We also talk about fitness trackers, our different approaches to getting activity in our lives, and why we […]

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast – Episode 7: Making Peace With Exercise


As a dietitian who believes in non-diet, non-weight focused nutrition, I often find myself explaining my position on intentional weight loss to casual acquaintances who always want to talk to me about weight loss. It usually starts out with someone else bringing up the topic after they have discovered I am a dietitian (there is […]

Congratulations, You Just Cured Obesity


As summer gives way to fall (well, not in LA, it is still blazing hot as I write this in the middle of October), I’m thinking back to my August staycation-vacation. One of the reasons I love staycationing in LA is that it’s got everything I love in a vacation: heat, beach and no need […]

Boogie Boards, Bicycles and Body Image


I hear it, or some version of it, at least once a week: “Oooh, if I have this [insert delicious or even just plain regular food here] I’ll have to do at least an extra half hour on the hamster wheel tonight.” To which I usually cringe, roll my eyes, eat the thing in question, […]

Just Eat the Damn Cake


Perhaps I am a naughty dietitian for saying so, but I think doing “healthy” stuff now to ward off vague future health threats is a terrible motivation for behavior change. There. I said it. So sue me. But first let me explain. I think we humans tend more toward hedonism than toward future thinking in […]

Eating and Exercising for your Future Health Sucks


In the years before I learned about intuitive eating, I exercised at a gym two to three times a week, cardio and weights. I mostly dreaded it and it wasn’t at all fun, but it was something  felt I had to do to keep my weight down. Living in San Francisco with no car, I […]

Intuitive Exercise: Learning to Love Exercise Not on a Diet


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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The Dietitians unplugged Podcast

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