Read the blog

I have to thank a commenter in an Intuitive Eating discussion group I belong to for the catchy title of this post. It was in response to another poster who had said he felt he was eating too much and generally eating “everything.” It got me thinking about the ways that this could easily happen […]

When Intuitive Eating Becomes a Rule, Not a Tool


It starts out with a simple declaration: “I really need to eat better. And I could shed a few pounds. It’s for my health.” So you join a weight loss group. You don’t really think of it as a diet because diets don’t work, everybody knows this. You’re just going to eat healthier and lose […]

Down the Diet Rabbit Hole: A Story*


This little gem showed up in my inbox this weekend: Cost-Effective Weight Loss Programs Help Shed Pounds And Keep Them Off. The article reports on a study that examined a low-cost weight loss program, Taking Pounds Off Sensibly (TOPS), following 75,000 participants for seven years. The program cost about $92 a year. Within their first year […]

Scientists Find Miracle Weight Loss Cure! Or Not

"A hanging carrot" by nist6dh - The Bait. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -


Full disclosure: I was once a foodie. I loved trying new and unusual foods; I looked forward to meals out at fancy restaurants and holes-in-the-wall; I looked for recipes that challenged my burgeoning cooking skills – all while maintaining my love for grilled cheese sandwiches made with Kraft Singles (because it’s just best that way). […]

Dieting Killed My Inner Foodie


(Potential trigger warning to recovering dieters/ED folks: I discuss ridiculous diet advice in this post) Many people who have, perhaps, never dieted to try to lose weight often think it’s merely a matter of “eat a little less, exercise a little more” and then the magic happens. I’m here to tell you that when it […]

The Fundamental Weirdness of Dieting


There are a lot of misconceptions about Health at Every Size®, even among people who know that dieting is futile. I want to talk about them here and why they are just plain wrong. Misconception #1: HAES® is just an excuse to overeat all the time. Why it’s wrong: You might have missed it, but […]

What HAES® is Not


Sometimes dieting is about more than just wanting to lose weight. When I first joined in 1994, my mother was dying, I was unemployed, and I felt like I my life had no direction. I may have been unhappy about my weight, but this had not been a problem for me in earlier, happier times. […]

Controlling your Diet ≠ Controlling your Life

Body Image

An article about a recent study popped into my inbox last week. The article describing the study called it the Feast-and-Famine diet. For a while now, researchers have been able to show an association between fasting in mice and extended lifespan and improvement in age-related diseases. And not just in mice, but in many other […]

Of Mice and Men and Diets


I frequently talk to people about food and eating, sometimes because I am a dietitian, sometimes because we live in a culture that obsesses about food and eating. Often I’ve heard this: “I don’t have a limit when I’m eating. I just won’t stop if I don’t force myself to. ” To this I say: […]

Your Stomach is not a Bottomless Pit…It Just Feels Like It


Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

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