I was sick at home a few weeks ago and my appetite (along with my energy, my throat and my good humor) was shot. I didn’t feel like eating anything in particular, but I was still hungry and I knew I needed to put something on my stomach. I did what any sick person with […]
Dietitians Unplugged bring you their thoughts on clean eating – is this just another diet, a way of life or a new religion?
I was talking to an acquaintance who doesn’t know what I do (this body acceptance stuff) for at least some of my time, which is why she said to me, “I’m looking for a 1500 calorie diet – I saw pictures of myself at my nephew’s wedding and I didn’t like the way I looked. […]
I was having a particularly bad day, the accumulation of a bunch of things starting to weigh on me, and a few fresh annoyances as well. I had just bought a very nice, expensive bed for the first time in my life – and hadn’t had a good sleep for three days…with at least 27 […]
“I’m so hungry…there must me something wrong with me.” “I’m so hungry…it makes me want things I shouldn’t eat.” “I’m so hungry…it’s really sabotaging my weight loss.” I have heard all of these statements, and variations of them, A LOT. The only one I rarely hear among the general population these days is, “I’m so […]
In Episode 4 of the Dietitians Unplugged podcast, Aaron and I discuss the common confusion around Intuitive Eating and the expectation of weight loss. BONUS: a brief update on Oprah and her partnership with Weight Watchers that we discussed in Episode 3. Listen on Libsyn or iTunes. Give us a review on iTunes if you […]
I’m not the first (this was the first I saw and my inspiration for this post. And it’s awesome!), or anywhere near the last, person to be ticked off at Oprah Winfrey for her Weight Watchers ad in which she says, “Inside every overweight woman is a woman she knows she can be.” As though […]
It’s the new year and we’re in the midst of a shit storm of diet ads and articles about which celebrity lost XX amount of pounds and how. Oh, and how YOU can do it too! Googling the word “diet” feels, in the words of one of my friends, like having my soul pelted with […]
December can be a hard time for people. There’s the stress of the holiday season. The cumulative exhaustion of the year weighing down on you. Retail fatigue getting everyone down. Personally, even while continuing to eat intuitively and getting some exercise, I find it hard to feel healthy during this time of year because this is […]
Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.
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